Q. What is the SCB?
The SCB is the Student Chapters Board (formerly the SCIB, the Student Chapters International Board). It's essentially an administrative and representative body of law students, working on an national/international level to help JRCLS student chapters flourish and connect with the JRCLS organization as a whole.
Q. Who are the people on the SCB?
We are the somewhat awkwardly (but happily) posed people in the picture below.
The SCB is the Student Chapters Board (formerly the SCIB, the Student Chapters International Board). It's essentially an administrative and representative body of law students, working on an national/international level to help JRCLS student chapters flourish and connect with the JRCLS organization as a whole.
Q. Who are the people on the SCB?
We are the somewhat awkwardly (but happily) posed people in the picture below.

Q. What do you all do?
Email, mostly. And the regular conference call. The regional representatives are supposed to serve as liaisons between the mother organization and the chapters in the various regions of the nation/world. They are, so to speak, in touch with the schools, the people. The chair heads things up, sets the agenda, and participates in a LOT of coordination with the JRCLS higher-ups. He helps plan the national conference. He acts as a student voice in a lot of JRCLS decision-making moments. He works with the Student Chapters Committee (the SCC, an attorney board that works to facilitate the student chapters) on a host of agenda items, some of which are forthcoming. He schedules the conference calls. And he leads us all in times of darkness. The vice-chair acts as the chair's second (duels and the like), as well as the lead on The Thread, the JRCLS student newsletter (this). The national conference organizers organize the national conference. And how.
Q. How did you get to be on the SCB?
We were all active in our local student chapters as 1Ls and/or 2Ls, most of us serving as presidents of our individual school's chapter. Then, when the time came for SCB renewal, lightning struck and we were asked by the SCC to serve.
Q. Can I be on the SCB?
YES. Well, chances are good that if you want to be, you can. Be active in your local organization and let your local chapter president know that you are interested in working in your JRCLS student chapter leadership. If you are your local chapter's president and are a 2L, talk to your regional representative and let them know you would be interested in being on the SCB. It's a good time, if some work, and a great way to see some great attorneys (the JRCLS leaders, not us) in action.
Do you all pay your own way to get to meetings, or is tithing money somehow funding this?
The Society helped subsidize the travel expenses of those who's schools wouldn't pony up--to the leadership conference, not the national conference. The funds came from the Conferences and Events Committee--who I think had them left over from the Pepperdine conference. So no, not from tithing.
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