Thursday, April 10, 2008

Requesting nominations to serve on the 2008-09 SCB

To accommodate future growth, we are restructuring the SCB and establishing five new committees:

  1. Membership, Finance, & Technology
  2. Conference & Events
  3. Women In the Law
  4. Public Service
  5. International

We want to try something different this year and invite all student members to submit nominations to serve as committee members/chairs or as regional liaisons. (Note: a “regional liaison” is one who represents a number of student chapters in a specified region.) These positions provide good opportunity to observe the inter-workings of the SCB and associate with some great leaders, both on the attorney level and on the student level. Please note we rely heavily on the recommendations of our incoming and outgoing chapter presidents and regional liaisons.

We are primarily looking for: (1) self-starters to serve on the committees and (2) regional liaisons that are willing to put in time to work closely with your respective chapters and adequately represent their interests. For those interested, do two things by the end of April:

  1. Email a short statement of where and why you would like to serve to Ethan Rogers (Chair-Elect) at
  2. Register online at so we can review your personal biography.

We will review the nominations and get in contact with you within the next couple of months. With everyone’s support, we can expect another burgeoning year for the JRCLS!

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